
Another cop husband, another wife beater

On December 11 the ACT NOW! blog featured a story about a policeman's wife who has suffered repeated violence at the hands of her husband. On December 21 the Post Courier newspaper followed up with the story below, by Nellie Setepano, about another policeman's wife.

As a result of these two stories ACT NOW! has contacted the Police Commissioner to demand action.

Joy's story

It is truely sad. This Christmas will be the same like other Christmas she has gone through with her abusive cop husband. While families gather to celebrate this festive season Joy Wartovo, a mother of two will be seeking for shelter and places to hide in Port Moresby to keep her two children and herself safe from their father. She has been doing this for the past six years.

Christmas is around the corner and at this time of the year, families are getting together to celebrate the joyous event that marks the birth of Jesus Christ.

In Papua New Guinea, there is joy and peace in the homes of families but this is not the case for a mother and her two children in Port Moresby. They are on the run from the law, in the form of a cop, who happens to be her husband and father of the children

She is 26 and the only law this woman who was once pretty has broken is trying to be a happy loving wife to her abusive policeman husband.

For Joy Wartovo, the past six years was hell, living under the same roof as her cop husband who loves nothing better than torture, threaten and abuse his wife, at one time from 9pm till 4am recently.
Now the battered wife and her children, 4 and 2, have gone into hiding again somewhere in Port Moresby.

Even the police internal affairs unit, to which she has complained bitterly for so many years, is powerless to help the battered woman and her two innocent children.

From her secret hiding place yesterday, Joy revealed the horror of her six year ordeal. Her husband is a member of the mobile squad who carries with him a government issued pistol at all times.

His method of abuse is astounding and makes a Stephen King horror novel look second best. This includes daily beatings for no apparent reason, abuses, burns with a hot clothes iron, bashings with an axe, beatings with hammers and pliers and threats of shootings.

The daily thrashings have reached a point where even her children are traumatised. As I sat in her secret hiding place, the children became nervous and jumpy every time they heard a loud noise.
Ms Wartovo said yesterday that she could not stand the beatings anymore and the apparent inaction of the police department, has decided to go public to save herself, her children and the other policemen’s wife who, like her, have suffered the same in their police barracks homes.

The police internal affairs officer in charge of the case Ben Vinarang said yesterday that he was aware of the complaints but understood that the couple had reconciled.

When told that horror stories related by Ms Wartovo, Mr Vinarang said he was not aware of the abuses and torture and that the couple “was living peacefully and in harmony”.

With a name like joy, life was meant to be joyful but Ms Wartovo’s nightmares began when she first met her husband, a previously married and separated father of one.

Ms Wartovo is part Tolai, East New Britain while her husband is part Tolai and part Orokaiva from Oro province.

For the past six years she has suffered at the hand of a man she described as “alcoholic and aggressive” who flew into a jealous rage for even the flimsiest of reasons.

She recalled all the bad things that happened to her two weeks into her marriage up to yesterday. The constant beating that stemmed from minor allegations that her husband brought up almost everyday.

“When I did not cut the beans, he found that as an excuse to argue. If he saw me in the market, he’d pick an argument. If I said hello to my cousin brothers or male in-laws, he would allege that I had an affair with them,” Ms Wartovo said.

She said her husband threatened her every day, adding her complaints to police would be futile.

“You will not get anywhere even if you seek police for help. I do the dirty work for my bosses so I will not be disciplined or dismissed by them,” he told her.

Ms Wartovo ran away with her children on numerous occasions but the husband always found out where she was and brought her back for more beatings.

Even close relatives shunned her out of fear of her rogue husband and his pistol.

She recalls her husband threatening her whole family and giving her a kina and making her run to the store and back for a toilet roll while the public watched.

She is also recovering from a six month utopian operation but was told lately by her doctor that an abscess has formed as a result of the abuse.

Currently Ms Wartovo is nursing a broken finger, a swollen body, re-infected abdomen, cuts to parts of her body and ugly scars from burns to her left arm and left thigh.

Her swollen body is the result of beatings from the back of the axe, which she put up with from 9pm to 4am one night recently.


I think that the police internal affairs officer in charge of the case Ben Vinarang knows EXACTLY what is going on. Everyone who lives in the same barracks as Joy and her abusive husband should know what is going on under her roof. It's PNG, we all know how word gets around, and especially in an enclosed area like a barracks where everyone probably knows each other. From the article we can surmise that Ben Vinarang is denying having knowledge that Joy's husband is an abusive wife-basher and lied when he said that their marriage was in a state of harmony the last time he checked.

It's typical PNG mentality to think that because a man married a woman that he can treat her any way he wishes. She is his property and no one is to interfere - and no one does coz people think exactly the same thing. How many times have you witnessed a domestic violence scene and just shook your head and walked away? It's wrong to hit women! We all know that but there is very little being done and even less in place to address this issue.

The first step I believe to addressing this issue is through education. Not just putting up posters and handing out pamphlets but actually educating the victims of domestic violence- the women. We have to tell them that they have a choice, that it is wrong that they have to go through any type of abuse and them and their children deserve better.

There should be more woman's groups in the country addressing this issue and educating victims of domestic violence. Victims need to know that they do not have to keep going back to their abusers. There should also be support groups, real women helping other women.

Also, the abusers must be dealt with. Men who repeatedly abuse their wives either physically, emotionally or sexually obviously have something deeper going on and need professional help. People who act out violently always do. But since we don't much available at present for dealing with abusers, I suggest that they, if reported must be sent to jail for a night or two.

Members of Act Now and PNG as a whole. I suggest the formation of a Coalition against Violence against Woman. There are certain coalitions and civil groups formed to fight corruption, graft, HIV and child abuse. I appeal to good-thinking professional men and women to mobilize and form a group similar to what we already have and lets combat Violence against woman.We MUST protect our mothers, sisters and sisters-inlaw against violence. We can fight our guts out against corruption, and graft and HIV, but we have to get to the foundation on which society is built - the FAMILY UNIT! Let's protect motherhood. God didn't make a mistake by creating a "help - meet" in the beginning. We need to understand the role of women in the family and society as a whole, because "When the purpose of a thing is not known, ABUSE is inevitable"..Dr. Myles Munroe.
The position of women in the family unit is to be side by side with the husband in performing all the duties pertaining to grooming a nation at its foundation - FAMILY, though SUBMISSION to the Head is the ultimate call of the woman. But the sad thing is, how can they be of such significance to society if we, men, keep them at the edge of our fists and under the soles of our feet every time. They need to be given the respect they deserve. They need to be protected against abusers, because God is the JUDGE and he will judge ABUSERS!

In light of all these, I am proposing the Formation of a Coalition against Violence against Women. This Organization will create awareness programs against violence, enforce any law relating to the issue, bring abusers to justice, and most importantly, conduct counseling for men and families who face the problem and help men who want to get out of the habit, through counseling.

The main focus of the organization is to be the voice for those suffering silently, and help unite families divided by this problem. I call on all like-minded husbands, fathers, members of ACT NOW and men in general to support this initiative and lets drive it forward. Let us make PNG a safe place for our mothers.
If we don't tackle this now, the wedding ceremonies we attend now will no longer signify a signing of a covenant of sacred union ordained by the Father in the beginning but rather the signing of war treaty. This shouldn't be a conclusion, and I don't want it to be, but might under most circumstances.

I am a young man, 24, yet to experience marriage life and I WANT TO SEE CHANGE!! THERE IS A NEED FOR CHANGE IN THIS AREA. I appeal to all men to support this initiative. LET US ACT NOW!!!!

Hi Billy,
Thank you for your comments! There is a NGO called PNG Coalition for Change, founded by Mrs Winifred Kamit, and managed by Daisy Rowaro. They are based out of NASFUND building. The group that advocates against Domestic Violence. I find it odd that they did not issue a statement condemning this recent violent act. Maybe they did, just we are not aware of it. In any case, you are right that there needs to be a more conceited effort on all fronts and we shall forward you thoughts onto the organization for their information and action. At ACT NOW, we try to sound the voices and rock the boat so people can collectively demand change. The more voices the better chances we have of authorities listening and acting!.