ACT NOW! urges MPs to oppose "Maladina" Amendments

28 April 2010

PORT MORESBY: ACT NOW! has sent an Action Alert to its 500 members and supporters urging them to register their opposition to the so-called ‘Maladina’ amendments which Parliament will debate next week.

Effrey Dademo, Program Manager, says ACT NOW!, opposes the bill because it will weaken the powers of the Ombudsman Commission and give greater immunity to Members of Parliament.

“The Bill takes PNG in exactly the opposite direction to where we need to be going right now. The public wants increased accountability and more transparency rather than making it easier for our leaders to abuse their positions of trust.”

ACT NOW! has asked its members and supporters to sign the Community Coalition Against Corruption petition opposing the amendments and to forward their personal messages to MPs for ACT NOW! to present at Parliament next week.

Anyone wishing to join ACT NOW! can do so on their website at

For further information and comment contact Effrey Dademo on 7689 5266 and at