Imposed model of development, natural resource management and corruption

Photo: Some of the Pacific youth advocates attending the Forum who were inspired by the work of Act Now!

ACT NOW! was in Fiji this week to make a presentation at the UNDP-organised Pacific Youth Forum on Corruption in Nadi. The presentation linked our imposed model of development to the corruption in the resource sector.

The presentation was made by ACT NOW! Community Campaigner, Tamara Mandengat. Her paper was titled THE IMPOSED MODEL OF DEVELOPMENT, NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND CORRUPTION IN PNG.

The paper discussed how our imposed model of development ignores the National Goals in our Consttution and is at the root of the corruption in PNG that has led to developments like the SABL land grab, illegal logging and the approval of experimental seabed mining.

The participants in the Forum were challenged to re-think the development path for the Pacific region.