Media Releases

1000 email the Prime Minister asking for the SABL Inquiry Report

19 August 2013

Prime Minister Peter O'Neill has received over 1,000 emails over the last two weeks calling on him to publish the SABL land grab Commission of Inquiry Report.

The emails have come from all four corners of the globe, reflecting world-wide concern about the land grab in PNG which has seen rights to over 5 million hectares of customary land given to foreign companies.

The emails have been organized by community advocacy group ACT NOW!

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PNG Government rushing new mines without fully knowing the costs and benefits

13 August 2013

The government is rushing major new mines without properly understanding the costs and benefits of an export led economy or the possible alternatives.

Community advocacy group ACT NOW! wants the PNG government to commission a proper study of the full costs and benefits of existing mines and other natural resource industries before committing to continue along the same development path.

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Joint Media Release: Young Leaders right to demonstrate must be respected

August 3, 2013

ACT NOW! and the Bismarck Ramu Group commend student leaders for organizing a peaceful march to protest against the government's asylum seeker deal with the Australia and condemned police action in blocking the students.

John Chitoa says it is encouraging to see students standing up and making their voices heard on important national issues.

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Online email action calling for logging suspension tops 2000

26 October 2011

Community advocacy group, ACT NOW! says more than 2,000 emails have been sent to the government over the last five days calling for a suspension of logging within disputed Special Agriculture lease areas.

“This response to is the biggest we have ever seen to an on-line petition”, says Effrey Dademo, Program Manager for ACT NOW! “People from all over the world have been getting involved”.

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ACT NOW! welcomes Prime Minister Peter O'Neill's announcement on ICAC

13 August 2011

Community advocacy group, ACT NOW! has welcomed the announcement by Papua New Guinea’s new Prime Minister that his government will establish an Independent Commission Against Corruption”.

"ACT NOW! is very pleased the Prime Minister has pledged to establish an ICAC and has recognized the crippling effects of corruption in PNG”, says Effrey Dademo, Program Manager for ACT NOW!

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ACT NOW! says sale of Falcon Jet a smart and timely move.

11 August 2011

Community advocacy group, ACT NOW! says the announcement by new Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill, that his government will sell the controversial Falcon jet is a smart move.

"The Falcon jet was an expensive mistake that epitomized the greed and corruption of the previous government, it is a smart move by the new PM to get rid of what was effectively a ‘private PMV’ for the Somares and their supporters”, says Effrey Dademo, Program Manager for ACT NOW!

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IFC operating under a cloak of secrecy on SEZ laws for PNG

9 June, 2011

Operating under a cloak of secrecy, the International Finance Corporation has been busy developing laws to allow Special Economic Zone laws in Papua New Guinea, while failing to answer questions from civil society about the project.

This secrecy contradicts IFC claims that it is committed to transparency, accountability and sharing information 'to strengthen public trust'.

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ACT NOW! calls on Opposition MPs to state their position on SABL

11 May 2011

Community advocacy group, ACT NOW! is calling on all opposition MPs to publicly state their position on the Commission of Inquiry into Special Agriculture and Business Leases.

"We have heard from the leader of the Opposition, Belden Namah, that he opposes the inquiry'," says ACT NOW! Program Manager, Effrey Dademo, "but do leading opposition MPs like Sam Basil, Mekere Morauta, Bart Philemon and Jamie Maxton-Grahem support that position?".

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ACT NOW! congratulates Acting Prime Minister on SABL Announcement

5 May 2011

Community advocacy group, ACT NOW! has congratulated the Acting Prime Minister, Sam Abal, on his announcement of a Commission of Inquiry and an immediate moratorium on any further Special Purpose Agriculture and Business Leases.

“We applaud the Acting Prime Minister for recognizing these leases have been abused and the potentially devastating impacts on the lives of so many people,” says ACT NOW! Program Manager, Effrey Dademo.

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Amet brings into question the Independence of the PNG Judiciary

21 February 2011

PORT MORESBY:  The hope of a nation is pinned on the strength of it’s Judiciary, and the final defeat of democracy is for the head of the Judiciary to bring into question the independence of the Judiciary.

Effrey Dademo, Program Manager of ACT NOW!, an advocacy group says, “ the  timing and reasons given by the Attorney General and former Chief Justice, Arnold Amet  in the sacking of the Public Prosecutor implies political influence exists within the judiciary…”

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