Media Releases

PNG Government decision on Solwara mine betrays community concerns

The PNG government's decision to sign a new agreement to participate in the controversial Solwara 1 experimental seabed mine has been condemned by community activist groups including  ACT NOW!, Bismarck Ramu Group (BRG) and the Pacific Network on Globilisation (PANG).

"The government has completely failed to answer any of the serious community concerns about this project" says ACT NOW! Program Manager, Effrey Dademo.

Bank plan just another land grab warns ACT NOW!

Commercial banks want the government to change the law to make it easier for land leases to be used as collateral for loans, but their plans are ill-timed as the wider problem of corruption in the Department of Lands remains unresolved and this latest plan could mean the legality of fraudulent leases like the Special Agriculture and Business Leases titles could not be challenged.

The banks have issued a report calling for the authenticity of titles issued by the Department of Lands to be protected so the leases can become bankable.

PNG govt. refusal asserts national sovereignty in experimental seabed mining dispute

The government must be congratulated for protecting PNG interests and rejecting the very poor agreement signed by the Somare government to support the proposed Solwara 1 experimental seabed mine, says community activist group ACT NOW!

Nautilus Minerals has announced it is terminating an agreement with the State of PNG after the government refused to put over $100 million of taxpayers money into the project.

ACT NOW! says further delays in canceling SABL leases unacceptable

Community Advocacy group ACT NOW! says while it welcomes the Prime Minister's statement that illegal SABL leases need to be revoked, the delays in implementing this commitment are totally unacceptable.

On Thursday Prime Minister Peter O’Neill announced he is appointing a Ministerial committee to look into implementing the Commission of Inquiry recommendation that illegal leases be revoked.

ACT NOW! backs Numapo’s call for PM to revoke illegal leases

Community advocacy group ACT NOW! is backing the call from the leader of the SABL Commission of Inquiry for the Prime Minister to immediately revoke illegal SABL leases.

The head of the Commission of Inquiry, John Numapo, says it is clear the leases should be revoked because they are illegal. He says there can be no excuse for the government sitting on the Commission recommendations, which were presented to the Prime Minister 6 months ago.

Effrey Dademo, Program Manager for ACT NOW! agrees.

Joint Media Release: NGOs condemn actions in Danu village

August 27, 2013

Villagers in Danu on the West Coast of New Ireland are protesting that they have been forced to sign agreements to move off their land by Canadian mining company Nautilus Minerals.

Nautilus is hoping to operate the world's first experimental seabed mine off the coast of New Ireland in an area known as Solwara 1.

"The people in Danu are confused and angry", says Rosa Koian of the Bismarck Ramu Group (BRG), which has recently visited the area.

1000 email the Prime Minister asking for the SABL Inquiry Report

19 August 2013

Prime Minister Peter O'Neill has received over 1,000 emails over the last two weeks calling on him to publish the SABL land grab Commission of Inquiry Report.

The emails have come from all four corners of the globe, reflecting world-wide concern about the land grab in PNG which has seen rights to over 5 million hectares of customary land given to foreign companies.

The emails have been organized by community advocacy group ACT NOW!

PNG Government rushing new mines without fully knowing the costs and benefits

13 August 2013

The government is rushing major new mines without properly understanding the costs and benefits of an export led economy or the possible alternatives.

Community advocacy group ACT NOW! wants the PNG government to commission a proper study of the full costs and benefits of existing mines and other natural resource industries before committing to continue along the same development path.

Joint Media Release: Young Leaders right to demonstrate must be respected

August 3, 2013

ACT NOW! and the Bismarck Ramu Group commend student leaders for organizing a peaceful march to protest against the government's asylum seeker deal with the Australia and condemned police action in blocking the students.

John Chitoa says it is encouraging to see students standing up and making their voices heard on important national issues.

Online email action calling for logging suspension tops 2000

26 October 2011

Community advocacy group, ACT NOW! says more than 2,000 emails have been sent to the government over the last five days calling for a suspension of logging within disputed Special Agriculture lease areas.

“This response to is the biggest we have ever seen to an on-line petition”, says Effrey Dademo, Program Manager for ACT NOW! “People from all over the world have been getting involved”.