Government response on SABL grab is weak and inadequate

Community advocacy group ACT NOW! says the Prime Minister's response to the huge illegal SABL grab is weak and inadequate.

The government has announced a ministerial committee to review the recommendations and findings of a Commission of Inquiry into Special Agriculture and Business Leases but has done nothing to cancel the fraudulent leases or stop the illegal logging in leases areas.

The government says the review will be executed by the Department of Lands, National Forest Authority and Department of Agriculture.

ACT NOW! says the government is relying on the very same people and agencies that have been exposed as responsible for the fraudulent and illegal leases to now respond to the Commission findings. 

The SABL land grab has seen control of more than 5 million hectares of land taken from local people and given to foreign owned companies. The Commission of Inquiry found 90% of the leases investigated were fraudulently issued and based on lies, false promises and forged documents.

ACT NOW! says it is ridiculous for the Prime Minister to hand responsibility for sorting out the mess back to the same agencies responsible for the corruption, fraud and mismanagement.

ACT NOW! is calling on the Prime Minister to immediately cancel the leases and stop the illegal logging and then set up an independent task force to identify, prosecute and remove the officials in Lands, Agriculture and Forestry responsible for the fraudulent leases and illegal logging.