Parliament paves way for ICAC


Papua New Guinea Parliament has taken the first step in setting up the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) in a 92-0 votes.

Prime Minister Peter O’Neill in presenting the ICAC Bill just after the passage of the 2015 Budget, said when taking office in August 2011, one of the first NEC decisions was to adopt the anti-corruption strategy 2010-2030, setting a path way to address corruption and improve good governance.

“One of the key actions is the establishment of the Independent Commission Against Corruption,” he said.

“We knew that establishing the ICAC would take time. So the Government moved quickly to establish Taskforce Sweep to deal with immediate instances of corruption.”

“I am pleased to say that significant progress has been made by the Sweep Team. We are on course to seriously improve the integrity of our country."

“Today marks the first step in the legislative process to establish the ICAC. The first step is to amend the Constitution to establish the Commission. The full details of the Commission will be included in a new Organic Law.”

He said he plans to bring the Organic Law to Parliament early next year, however, the first thing to do is pass this Constitutional Amendment.