Rimbunan Hijau on West Pomio SABL

"Project to be nation builder"

From Rimbunan Hijau (The National)

THE Gilford Palm Oil project in the Sigite-Mukus area of West Pomio is described by developer Rimbunan Hijau (RH) as a nation-building project that will contribute significantly to the people and country.

In a statement from RH, the 30-year cycle project is said to cost K750 million – one of the company’s biggest investments in PNG.

A recent disruption in operations caused by a group of youths over RH logging in conservation areas prompted the company to clear speculation, stating that all felling areas are properly sanctioned within the SABL.

Of the 42,000ha, 31,000 will be used for palm oil planting and two palm oil processing factories, while the remaining will be reserved for traditional land use and natural forest.

The majority of landowners are said to be supporting the project as it will result in development of their health and education facilities.

RH said some non-governmental organisations were criticising and opposing the development without providing viable alternatives for the locals who had been long neglected.

The project currently employs 1,000 workers and this number is expected to increase to 3,300 at the peak of operations, sustainably contributing to the country’s revenue when fully operational.

The incidents that occurred due to landowner disputes included fights and injuries and damage to RH property are now in the hands of authorities.