Why do we treat them as royalty?


Oh for f**k's sake! This is just ridiculous!! Let them walk!

We as a nation - PNG & its people - are a sick society, so caught up in our customs and yet trying to live in the western man's world...

Trying to find the perfect fit between customs/traditions of our land and the west minister system is a mamoth task no one has found the solution yet...

Until we find that perfect fit/match we will suffer as a nation, ruled by a handful of greedy Big Man who believes it is their birth right to enjoy while it is the right of the silently majority to suffer silently.

May God Bless us...

can people please stop sucking up to these pricks. This is not the bloody middle ages where these fat fucks have to be carried around on a bloody pedestal. The guy didn't even bring service to that area, it was just a bloody ground breaking ceremony. And people stop pretending that Mt. Hagen "city", is beautiful, it's a fucking eye sore and the people are lazy and need to change their damn attitudes< I have every right to say that since I am from Hagen>. Political leaders are not kings, they're supposed to serve the people that vote for them, hence, the term public "servants". do you see photos of Julia Gillard being carried around in pedestal when visits her electorate.

Parliamentarians are our shoes carries. Why carry them on pedestal? people of Papua new guinea have sick in their brain.
The more we carry them around, the more powerful they become and turn into top criminals which we will find it hard to arrest them because we have already placed them on the highest mountain in PNG. Those who carry members are idiots and stupids of all races in Papua new guinea.

Yeah why do we treat them like royalty? Aren't all of you going to cry like babies the day the corrupt Somare dies? Hypocrites!

We don't elect people to carry them around. We elect them to carry us around and talk for our needs. Those who carry a big man around are fools and the one who sits above them is also a fool.

Our parliament is totally corrupt and its better to burn down the house Tambaran. It is currently filled with all the tambarans,Sugudumis, pukpuks and devils from the sepik swamp. All those who set foot in there goes mad and don't think as humans. We have to burn it down with all those who dwell in it. We cannot keep it as the devil has place its throne in our Tambaran Haus as tambaran refers to devils.
Members of the tambaran house become the agents of this devils and not the people of Papua new Guinea.

Carrying a corrupt leader means supporting them in their corrupt actions...why dont they walk.