1000 email the Prime Minister asking for the SABL Inquiry Report

19 August 2013

Prime Minister Peter O'Neill has received over 1,000 emails over the last two weeks calling on him to publish the SABL land grab Commission of Inquiry Report.

The emails have come from all four corners of the globe, reflecting world-wide concern about the land grab in PNG which has seen rights to over 5 million hectares of customary land given to foreign companies.

The emails have been organized by community advocacy group ACT NOW!

Program Manager Effrey Dademo says she is very hopeful the Prime Minister will respond positively to the emails and publish the Commission of Inquiry report.

"We support the Prime Minister's commitment to tackle corruption and the SABL land grab is one of the biggest corruption scandals in recent years".

"The Commission of Inquiry heard evidence of systematic fraud, forgery and a failure to secure the informed consent of customary landowners."

"We were promised the Commission of Inquiry report by 2012, more than 12 months later we are still waiting.

If the PM wants to maintain his credibility as tough on corruption he needs to publish the report, cancel the leases and stop the logging which is still on-going."

For further information and comment contact Effrey Dademo on (675) 7100 1834