
Parliament's Speaker is killing democracy

By Sam Basil MP

The National Parliament Speaker Hon. Jeffery Nape has eroded the spirit of democracy for three consecutive years as the Speaker of this eighth Parliament and continues to do.

When I became a Member of Parliament I was given a copy of the Constitution (the edited version July, 2007). When I started browsing through the Speakers role and responsibilities I started to realise his unprofessional and undemocratic conduct.

RD Tuna disregards workers rights and PNG laws

By Nuahiva

ON JANUARY 21 this year the Minimum Wages Board declared that the minimum wage rate was to be increased from K1.72  to K2.29 per hour. 

Weeks later RD Tuna tried to seek an exemption from that wage rate. The fishing and canning company wrote to the government  seeking recognition as an agriculture company just so it would avoid paying Papua New Guineans the minimum wage determined by Papua New Guinea government regulations.  

PNG's prized possession: Its People and their Way of Life

By Countryside 

There is an old Jewish saying;  a poor man looks out the window of his house and see the birds, green meadows, clear streams and breathes the fresh air from his cabin.  A rich man however paints the whole world silver so all he sees is the reflection of him. 

Basil urges Ombudsman Commission to freeze MPs bank accounts

All parliamentarians who have been referred by the Ombudsman Commission for failure to submit their annual returns must have all their overseas bank accounts frozen including those of their immediate relatives pending the outcome of the tribunals, says Bulolo MP Sam Basil.

Trouble at RD Tuna as workers strike over minimum wage

RD Tuna security staff have been accused of harassing female workers who refused to start their night shift in support of 489 fellow workers suspended for demanding the company abide by PNG's minimum wage laws. According to witnesses at the plant, around 30 female workers were last night physically forced into the factory.

'Kitchen Cabinet is destroying democracy in PNG': Morauta

Opposition Leader, Mekere Morauta, says the Prime Minister, Speaker of Parliament and the Leader of Government Business have yet again breached the Constitution by failing to ensure Parliament sits the required 63 days this year.

I will immediately seek legal advice about the options open to the Opposition for fighting the adjournment in the courts,” he said.

“The adjournment motion moved by Mr Tiensten and accepted by Mr Nape, is not only a most serious and deliberate breach of the Constitution. It goes against all the principles of democracy".