
Kapris videos available on line

Update 6 May: The Kapris videos are back on YouTube in a new location and the links below have been updated so you can view the tapes (thanks Ari for the information). 

Update 5 May: The Kapris videos have been removed from YouTube and can no longer be viewed using the links below. If they become available again we will update this page. 

$300 million pillaged in PNG graft

Rowan Callick - The Australian

A CABAL of top public servants and lawyers have hijacked Papua New Guinea’s government chequebook, plundering more than $300 million through sham compensation claims. The rorts include Finance Secretary Gabriel Yer initiating a spurious claim of $700,000 for himself and 225 people from his home village. He delivered the money to a dozen of them whom he had flown to Port Moresby, in a case containing 50-kina notes.

Action Alert - 28 April, 2010

Opposition to the so-called 'Maladina' amendments is entering a CRUCIAL stage as Parliament will sit again next week.

The amendments will change the law to weaken the powers of the Ombudsman Commission and protect Members of Parliament from possible criminal investigation for fraud and corruption.

ACT NOW! is therefore urging ALL its members and supporters to get involved and have your voice heard.

What CAN you do?

Rethinking the paradigm for infrastructure financing

A New Solution to Building Road and other Infrastructure in Papua New Guinea by NASFUND

With the growth of Papua New Guineas economy, we have seen an almost equal a reversal in the maintenance of all our major highways and roads. From the Highlands Highway to the Madang Highway and other major roads - pot holes, washed out bridges and roads in total disrepair are sadly all to common in this ludicrously resource rich democracy.

Money dished out but where is the product?

The National Government Goods and Services funding for Provincial and Local Level Government, for the 1st Quarter of 2010, has already been allocated and partially released.

It is interesting to note that the following types of grants exist and are expanded every quarter of each financial year.

Administration Grants that are used by each Provincial Governments for administrative overheads and not salaries or allowances.

Community opposition to 'Maladina' amendments growing

Opposition to proposed changes to the law to weaken the powers of the Ombudsman Commission and protect Members of Parliament from investigation for fraud and corruption is intensifying ahead of the reconvening of Parliament on May 4th.

Latest developments in the last few days include:

Neither China or Australia provide the solution to PNGs problems

The middle class in PNG seems to be preoccupied with a debate over whether the country should continue to look South to Australia and New Zealand for assistance or whether it is better to look North to China. 

But, prompted and encouraged by Australia, China and Prime Minister Somare, they are asking the wrong question and thus they continually miss the answer to the question they should be asking which is how can PNG lift itself above its current problems and find a better way forward?

Politicians don't care about women says Dr Mola

Adapted from a story by ELIZABETH MIAE

POLITICIANS are to blame for the poor state of Papua New Guinea’s maternal health, says prominent gynecologist, Dr Glen Mola. 

“Five women die daily, but the Government ignores the problem. Women are not important as far as politicians are concerned. Women can just die when having their babies, em samting nating (it’s nothing). Is that what politicians think? That women are disposable?” he says.