
People deserve an apology for Chiefs 'longlong' comments

THE NATIONAL: People do rightly demand and they do deserve an apology from Prime Minister Michael Thomas Somare.

He must also retract the public outburst he made in Parliament where he described last week’s demonstrators as “longlongs” and to members of the media as “sadang”.

He, of all people, should never call any member of the PNG public “longlong” or “sadang”.
“Longlong” in Tok Pisin means mentally retarded or depraved while “sadang” means the devil or satan.

Minister Paul Tiensten must be suspended says Opposition

THE Opposition has called for the sidelining of Minister Paul Tiensten and an investigation into an allege K13 million fraud within the National Planning and Rural Development Department.

Deputy opposition leader Bart Philemon called on Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare to investigate the alleged K13 million fraud. The Opposition claims the money was siphoned out through ghost projects and contracts by private firms and individuals who colluded with the Department.

These are alleged to have included:

Former Justice Minister maintains opposition to 'Maladina' amendments

Former Justice Minister and Attorney General, Dr Allan Marat, has said the proposed 'Maladina' amendments would "legalise previous wrongful conduct of any member of [Parliament]."

"Justice and righteousness would therefore demand that the amendment was not pursued".

His comments were made in his resignation letter which was given to the media last Friday.

MEDIA RELEASE: PM wrong to shoot the messenger

7th May, 2010:  ACT NOW! has criticized the Prime Minister’s decision to force the resignation of Attorney General, Dr Alan Marat.

Effrey Dademo, Program Manager, says “by forcing the Attorney General to resign the Prime Minister is sending a very negative signal to other Ministers and to the people of PNG”.

Government leading PNG into disaster

The LNG project has generated much expectation on the benefits it will bring to the people of PNG. These expectations are to a great extent exaggerated by the government of the day. I have spent some time studying this Somare government. This government is cunning in its tactic as it attempts every day to portray a sovereign pretence that it is in control of the destiny of this country to the people of PNG and governments and organizations world wide. The recent much hyped Vision 2050 after the other national plans like the MTDS are evidence to this mood of this government.

Campaigners human rights challenged by government and mining company in public forum

George Ireng, the  kid from Madang who has  become  an ever deepening thorn in the side of  MCC, the Chinese government company that owns the Ramu Nickel Mine, has again made the developer and the PNG government uncomfortable.

Real leadership needed as Papua New Guinea in African Tube

By James Wanjik

When Ghana gained independence Africa celebrated. Colonialism could be removed. The celebration was short lived. Then new form of colonialism crept in. It was neocolonialism. It was colonialism by Africans against Africans.

South Africa had apartheid till 1990. Congo had no government for years. Somalia has no government with pirates running riot in Somali waters. Nigeria has civil war in the Niger delta where oil is produced and exported.