
Tavolo community granted injunction against FCA logging

The Tavolo Community Conservation Association from East New Britain have won a major victory against a Malaysian logging company that has been threatening to log their customary forests.

The National Court has granted the Association a temporary injunction suspending a Forest Clearance Authority granted to Mekar (PNG) Limited by the PNG Forest Authority and stopping any large-scale conversion of forest to agriculture or other land use.

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THE NEW TIMBER BARONS: The Companies Logging the Forest of Papua New Guinea

Nearly 70% of Papua New Guinea’s round log exports between 2019 and 2021 were concentrated in the hands of just ten groups of companies, all with strong links to Malaysia, according to new research by Act Now! and Jubilee Australia Research Centre.

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Colonial era agreements still dominate the forest industry

In 1989, after chairing a two-year Commission of Inquiry, Justice Barnett described forest management in PNG as being in a state of chaos. He declared that foreign-owned logging companies were being allowed to operate as they pleased as a result of bribery and the corruption of State officials and politicians.

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Banks move to stop logging finance but gaps remain

ACT NOW! and Jubilee Australia

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Say no to Wafi Golpu DSTP


Say no to Wafi Golpu DSTP:

All levels of government must pause Wafi-Golpu schedule as deadly earthquake poses catastrophic risks to communities and no consent given for DSTP by affected communities


Thursday 15 September 2022

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Celebrating 47 Years of Failure

Eddie Tanago, Campaign Manager

While we celebrate 47 years of political Independence, we must acknowledge the fact that as a Nation we have failed to fulfil our development aspirations and we should reflect on the reasons why this is so.

Why have our social and economic development outcomes fallen so short of what we dreamed was possible, despite the fact that our Nation is so richly blessed in natural resources?

The answer is that our failures have mainly been caused by successive governments choosing to follow the wrong development model.

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New Minister Must Address Legality and Sustainability

There are a lot of important issues for the new Forest Minister, Salio Waipo, to address, especially rampant illegal and unsustainable logging.

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Service Improvement Program Theft?

Payroll taxes and Goods and Services Tax (GST) make up a large proportion of the government revenue which is used to fund its Service Improvement Programs.

K10 million each year is paid to every District across the country and another K5 million per District goes to Provincial governments. Then there is a further K500,000 for every Local Level government.

Billions of Kina are distributed every year through the Service Improvement Program (SIP) and every Tax Payer in PNG has the right to know how their money is being spent.

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Effective action against corruption essential for economic growth

Effective action against corruption is essential for economic growth and it should be the number one priority for the new Marape government. 

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Unrecognised Wealth of Customary Land


Papua New Guinea’s Constitution is unique as it gives the people rights to be custodians over their land, 95% of which is still under customary control.  For thousands of years, over 800 cultures have allowed our land to sustain every generation till the idea of registering customary land was introduced from outside our shores and clouded the real value and importance of that land.

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