Special Correspondent in Bougainville
The Panguna Landowners Association executives and stakeholders have been blowing the Bel Kol with Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) trumpet over the past weeks creating awareness’s in and around Central Bougainville.
However, this initiative is not well received by the local people, whom most implied that the initiative does not make sense at all. In interviews carried out at different locations in the Central and South of the region, many expressed confusion with the ongoing talks of bel kol with BCL on the grounds that ‘BCL is a company’, and that ‘BCL is governed by laws that do not reconcile with the customary laws of the people’.
What most people voiced out is that ‘how can the people reconcile with a company? The Bel kol ritual has and is always between groups of people governed by a common understanding, under the same customary laws. “What custom does BCL have with the people of Bougainville?” was a question posed by one respondent.
Another went on to question why have the bel kol now when the ten billion kina compensation claim put forward by the then PLA executives under Francis Ona and Perpetua Serero, for environmental damages is still outstanding. Hence, respondent summed up by questioning ‘what does the Bel Kol qualify for?’
Many also have expressed great disappointment in the Panguna Landowners Association (PLA) representatives, whom are seen as BCL agents lying to the people in the effort to reopen the mine. ‘Mipla ol manmeri lo ples nogat bilip moa long displa landowners association (We the people in the ground do not have any more trust in this landowner association)’.
Some have said to allow BCL to make the Bel Kol payment, but never allow the reopening. ‘Larim ol mekim payment, tasol mine bai no inap open (Let them (BCL) make the payment, but the mine will not open)’.
And when the respondents were asked if they were in support of the mine reopening, almost all said ‘no’. Only a few implied that the ‘reopening can happen after independence on the terms and conditions of the people of Bougainville’
Though, on media and public awareness the Bel Kol initiative is seemed to be making progress, the general sentiment of the people on the ground implies something contrary. There is nothing to show for in terms of BCL’s presence on the ground except the occasional appearance by PLA whenever need be for awareness on the mining issue. Women especially have expressed disgust over why the PLA ‘men’ have completely ignored the wishes of the people on the ground.
Generally, there is distrust and apprehension by the people towards those who represent them, and they should be because of the way in which the issue of mining is handled by the leaders is outside of the peoples’ interest.