rait man's blog

Ministerial committee to meet on SABLs

Source: The National

PRIME Minister Peter O’Neill says a ministerial committee to implement the recommendations from the inquiry into Special Agriculture Business Leases (SABLs) will meet next week.

This follows concerns by Enosh Janduo, the president of the Sausse local level government (LLG) in Yangoru-Saussia district,  East Sepik, during a visit to Yangoru on Wednesday.

Janduo told O’Neill that the people were victims of the SABL where there had been a lot of land grabbing.

Long time resident not happy with forced eviction by Rimbunan Hijau

Source: PNG Exposed

Lina Gawi, from Geborobi village in the East Sepik Province, settled in Bumbu when her daughter was seven years of age. Now she is a mother of 5 adult children, She was not very happy when the bulldozer belonging to RH bulldozed the area which they called home for the past 40 years,

SABLs should be removed from PNG Land Act says expert

From ABC Radio Australia

The Commission of Inquiry into Special Agricultural and Business leases criticised many of the companies involved in back-door logging activities in PNG.

But it also laid the finger of blame for the situation on corrupt government officials and local brokers who facilitated the land deals.

Dr Colin Filer, Convenor of the Australian National University's Resource Management in Asia-Pacific program has spent many decades studying land issues in Papua New Guinea.

Is PNG's government committed to tackling corruption?

From Radio New Zealand

A Papua New Guinea MP has been jailed for corruption and the Government is to set up a corruption commission but just how committed is it to ending the prevasive practice.

This month's jailing of a Papua New Guinea MP for misuse of public funds has highlighted the country's struggles with systemic corruption.

PNG's Prime Minister cancels controversial land leases

From Radio Australia

Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister Peter O'Neill says controversial land leases abused by the timber industry will be canceled.

He made the comments in a messsage sent to the Australian Association for Pacific Studies taking place in Sydney.

It is the clearest sign yet that millions of hectares of land, leased without permission of landowers will be returned.

Jemima Garrett is at the conference for Pacific Beat.

Presenter: Geraldine Coutts